Advisory Panel

The advisory panel provides a non-executive advisory function to the Manchester Rare Conditions Centre (MRCC).  

Members help to guide the MRCC strategy, projects, and programs. Membership is reviewed every two years to ensure that the Panel’s expertise is relevant to the changing priorities of the MRCC.  

Advisory panel members:   

Prof Angela Davies – University of Manchester, Angela Rowe – MFT Charities, Dr Catherine Breen – MFT Clinical Geneticist, Dr Iain McLean – Managing Director of Research and Innovation, Dr Kate Hillman – Consultant Renal Physician, Dr Lynne Webster – Director of Research Governance and Quality, Dr Rhona MacLeod – Manchester Centre for Genomic Medicine, Elizabeth Coulson – MFT Charities, Fin McNicol – Group Director of Communications, Ian Daniels – SM MCS Director of Business and Innovation, Kathryn Ascroft – Group Strategy Manager, Katie Lees – Senior Development Officer University of Manchester, Laura De Peyer – Senior Philanthropy Manager University of Manchester Nichola Garde – BBC Creative Diversity and Disability Lead and Patient Representative, Prof Bill Newman – Clinical Director NW GMSA, Prof Dian Donnai – Manchester Centre for Genomic Medicine, Prof Graeme Black – Manchester Centre for Genomic Medicine, Prof Indi Banerjee – RMCH Associate Medical Director, Prof Ray O’Keefe – University of Manchester, Rachel Isherwood – Philanthropy Manager University of Manchester, Rachael Faulkner – Clinical Psychologist Manchester Centre for Genomic Medicine, Sarah Wynn – CEO Unique, Scott Noble – WTWA Strategy Manager, Sue Baker – Rare Care Centre Perth Children’s Hospital, Tanya Hamid – MFT Director of Charity, Tom Rafferty – MFT Director of Strategy, Victoria Grant – Manchester Museum, Videha Sharma – University of Manchester