
The MRCC aligns with local and national strategies to enhance diagnosis, treatment, and support services for patients with rare conditions.

National Strategies

The MRCC is  leading the way nationally within the context of several recent strategic developments, including:

The MRCC Mission and Vision

The MRCC is a platform with a mission to ‘Improve the lives of people and families living with rare conditions.’

The vision of the MRCC is to create an exemplar network of healthcare services in Manchester for people and families living with rare conditions, to support development of infrastructure and capacity in Manchester that can enable significant research and innovation breakthroughs in the field, to contribute towards development of workforce fit for delivering the services and breakthroughs, to facilitate engagement between relevant stakeholders in the field, to catalyse a compassionate empowered community for people and families living with RCs and share models of care with other care givers nationally and internationally.

Strategic Pillars

The MRCC Strategy is built on five Strategic Pillars.

  1. Fostering innovation – Nurturing an environment that encourages creative thinking to find innovative solutions that support advancements.
  2. Collaborating effectively – Forging connections with partners and influential thought leaders, driving collaborative endeavours that amplify the impact.
  3. Engaging communities – Establishing strong bonds with communities, the public, and patients, nurturing open communication and mutual understanding.
  4. Building sustainable Infrastructure – Constructing resilient infrastructure and streamlined pathways to ensure long-term sustainability and capitalise on scale advantages.
  5. Leveraging uniqueness – Leveraging our distinctive positioning, such as its life course perspective, to position Manchester as an appealing hub for collaborators and investment.

Strategic Objectives

Building on the five Strategic Pillars, ten Strategic Objectives have been identified to deliver the MRCC Mission and Vision.

  1. Development of new RC clinical services in Manchester
  2. Establish a Manchester RCs clinical services excellence network
  3. Support development of new diagnostic services for RCs in North West
  4. Support RCs related research programs in Manchester
  5. Leverage data, digital and devices for RCs work in the region
  6. Establishment of new RCs research fellowships
  7. Deliver world-class RC educational and professional development programs
  8. Create excellent professional networking opportunities
  9. Advance awareness and advocacy for individuals and families living with RCs
  10. Partner and collaborate with diverse range of organisations professional development programs