The Whitworth Group

The Whitworth Group (Mariangels Ferrer-Duch, Nichola Garde, Nick Jordan, Rhona MacLeod, Ramona Moldovan, Jay Roche, Fiona Ulph) works in the interspace between science and medicine, arts and communities. With expertise in Patient and Public Involvement, Media, Visual Arts, Clinical Psychology, Genetic Counselling, Narrative Therapy, and Research, the group has a shared interest in what ‘rare’ means to us all. The group organises publicly accessible conversations about genetics, how we think about health and what it means to have a rare condition.

Podcast series

With monthly guest speakers from all backgrounds and walks of life, the podcasts tackle topics such as ethical frontiers in genetics, intellectual disability and consent, treatments of genetic conditions, access to genetic services and rare conditions centres. The podcasts have been broadcasted 8,000 times in Europe (72%), Asia (10%), North America (7%) Oceania (4%), Africa (3%), South America (1%).

Public events

Regular public events organised for and with patients, families, professionals, and the wider public to raise awareness and encourage conversations about genetics – how it impacts our lives and how it is shaping the healthcare of the future.

Short films

The films bring together clinicians, ecologists, artists, and patients with rare conditions, and have been showcased at national and international film festivals.

Exhibitions and concerts

The group designs events that reflect all voices and are co-created with members of the public via a number of mediums. Nick Jordan, ‘Kin Recognition’ and ‘Music is in our DNA’ Migrant Voices Project, 2023, HOME, Manchester